Healing with the Chakras

There are many books and countless blogs on this topic. For the sake of brevity and to provide clarity, I'm going to give you just a quick overview of what it means to work with and begin to heal your chakras. From there I will go into more detail about each Chakra with its own dedicated article. * I will link at the bottom as each become available.
Chakra is the Sanskrit word that translates to "disk or wheel". Our chakras can therefore be seen as wheels of spinning energy within our body. These wheels are thought to govern different areas of our human experience.
The Seven Main Chakras:
- Root - Muladhara - located at the base of the spine and connected to our sense of survival.
- Sacral - Svadhisthana - located just below the belly button and connected to our sense of pleasure.
- Solar Plexus - Manipura - located mid abdomen below ribs and connected to our sense of personal power.
- Heart - Anahata - located in the center of the chest and connected to our ability to receive and give love.
- Throat - Vishuddha - located in the throat and connected to our ability to communicate and self-express.
- Third Eye - Ajna - located between the eyebrows and connected to our intuition and wisdom.
- Crown - Sahasrara - located at the top of our head and is our connection to the divine.
Working with your Chakras
When you start working with your chakras, you begin the magical journey to understanding, balancing, and stimulating certain energy centers in your body. You develop a deeper connection with yourself as well as to a higher power.
Here are some simples steps to get you started:
- Knowledge is Power: read, research and learn everything you can about the chakras, their locations, associated functions and correspondences. This knowledge will help you understand how to work with them more efficiently & confidently.
- Meditation: meditation can help you connect with your chakras and promote balance between the mind, body, soul and spirit. Youtube or Spotify is full of guided Chakra Meditations/Chakra Balancing videos or audios and is a great place to start. It really helps to visualize while doing these meditations. During the guided meditation picture each chakra as a spinning wheel and be sure to assign the proper colours. Notice what is happening in your body and to each colour wheel. Is it small, big, growing, shrinking, pulsing. Are you hot, cold, weepy, or happy? Make mental notes incase you plan to journal afterwards.
- Journaling: writing down your experiences after working with your chakras can be beneficial to your growth. You may also choose to journal before hand, putting out into the universe what you plan to work on or get out of the experience. You can and should combine the Chakra system with your Shadow Work as the two together create a powerful practice that unites the mind, body, spirit and soul.
- Crystals: each chakra has corresponding crystals you can use during your meditation. Simply place the specific stones on the chakra points during balancing. Or carry a stone with you throughout the day, often stopping to touch it and infuse it with your intent to heal.
- Aromatherapy: each chakra also has corresponding oils you can use during your meditations or throughout your day. You can diffuse a group of oils or wear the oil that corresponds to the chakra you're working with. You can also use your oils with crystals, placing a drop on the corresponding crystal during your balancing meditation.
- Sound Therapy: Singing bowls and tuning forks are wonderful ways to balance and heal the chakras. They can be quite expensive to purchase though so consider looking up videos or podcasts.
- Ask Questions: If you are new to working with the chakras, consider seeking guidance from a friend you know that works with them, a trusted social media influencer, a professional or seek out online/in person groups that regularly work with the chakras. You may also contact me anytime for guidance or with questions.
Just remember that patience and consistency are key when working with your chakras. Don’t expect to always get immediate results. Healing is a gradual process that requires time, practice, and dedication. There are some guided meditations and chakra balancing sessions I have done that click instantly and I receive instant results, others I turn off and try a new approach later or another day. You will be able to sense what feels right and what doesn't.
*** If you can find a Chakra Balancing Practitioner local to you, I highly recommend it at least annually or whenever you feel like you have multiple blockages. The practitioner will be able to provide you with an experience that is nothing short of incredible. After my first in person chakra balancing, I had a better idea of what it felt like when the energy was moving and I gained much insight and courage to do the work myself.
Up next: a deep dive into each chakra, what it looks like to be balanced and unbalanced, their correspondences and ways to actively work with each one. I will update and link as the articles become available.
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.
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