Into 2024 we go..
But wait, where did 2023 go?
I'm not sure about you but for me this past year passed in a blink.
I thought taking a social media break from June to Dec 31st would slow life down. I thought savouring and enjoying every minute of our baby girls first year of life would make time stand still. I thought living slower with less engagements throughout the summer for the boys would help it drag out.
But it didn't.
And here we are heading into 2024... world still a mess. Kids still growing way too fast. Money going out as fast as it comes in and time rushing away from our finger tips.
Every year on the last couple days of December I take some time to reflect about the past year and plan the new one.
So many bloggers out there will shove down your throat how stupid resolutions are and an equal amount will give you "guaranteed" ways to keep new ones.
I fall somewhere between. I make them but I rarely keep them. I love the idea of starting fresh although we all know it doesn't take a new year for that. There's still something nostalgic about making lists & goals for the year ahead.
I make health and fitness goals, spiritual journey goals, writing goals, gardening and homesteading goals. Family goals. All the dang goals. I think about all the things I wanted to do that got away from me and all the things I've tucked away for a later date.
Time seems to slow down on Dec 30/31st and I won't lie I cherish it. I look forward to it, even if the idea of ringing in another year so soon sucks, I really sit and wonder how different the new one will be.
Will we as a collective get rid of Ol' Trudy? I fucking hope so. Will my garden thrive? I also fucking hope so. Will my kids make a stupid amount of memories? Most likely. Will I finish anything I start this year? Not likely. Will my journey continue despite the speed of the clock. Yes absolutely. And will 2024 go by in a blink like 2023 did. Sadly, I think so.
But, I'll make the best of it. And I'll try to live as slowly as I can despite a world of chaos caving in on me 24-7.
I hope the past year taught you something and I hope the new one teaches you more.
We can't control the clock but we can decide what to fill our time with. Make it that which matters most you.
~ K ~

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