January around the homestead
Now is the time I start planning my garden for the upcoming season. Usually we're knee deep in snow and I am looking for any way to get a little sunshine and happiness in my life. This winter has been very mild so far though and we currently have zero snow. Christmas Day was 20°c here and that is not normal. I admit I am loving the lack of white stuff but I feel like my natural gardening cycle isn't on track seeing as I can still see all of my failures from last season staring me in the face everytime I go outside.
I garden in zone 5b (Ontario, Canada) some will say it's a short growing season but it's all I know so it feels just right. The seasons lately seem to be meshing into each other though so some years spring seems earlier and falls run later. This past year was abnormally awkward for a growing season. Too hot when it should have been cool and far to cool when it should have been sweltering. I blame the trails in the sky but that's for another topic altogether.
If you're new to gardening there is a great tool you can use at Farmers Almanac. Just plug in your postal code or zip code and it will give you all the dates you need to start planning your next growing season.
I also research and plan for any changes to my gardens/orchard during this time. I note what worked last season and what I want to try this year. Where can I plant more fruit trees? What needs more room or less? What did we eat lots of last season and what went to the chickens? Swiss Chard.... all the swiss chard went to the chickens.
January tasks:
- Order seed catalogs and make your selections. I am pretty fond of West Coast Seeds and 75% of my seeds come from there. I also get my sprouting seeds from there as well.
- Plan/Design your garden. Set dates for sowing, succession and transplanting.
- Check your chickens - do they need a litter refresh or would they benefit from a nice big cabbage or some hot oats and scrambled eggs.
- If its been mild turn your compost. Don't forget to keep adding to it over winter.
- Crafts & New Projects - what have you always wanted to learn or haven't had time to make? Do you make sourdough? Now is a great time to start.
- Self-Care - where have you been lacking or not making a priority for yourself? Do you wish you were eating better or moving your body more. January is a great time for renewal. Give yourself time and focus some energy inwards while the nights are still extra long.
- Got an itch to start planting? Try sprouts. They're healthy, delicious and will satisfy that need to grow something in the dead of winter.

I'm sure there are other things people do in January depending on where their own micro homestead or homestead is. Share with me in the comments some of the things you do to make it through the first month of the year. How to do prepare for the growing season?
~ K ~
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