My Intentions for Marble & Mud in 2025

I'm typically not one for New Years resolutions however I have been thinking a lot on where to focus my time and energy this year.
I definitely don't plan to make any wild promises but after an incredible eye opening end of year tarot spread I am being guided to focus my attention more towards this outlet than anywhere else.
For years I have tried to and failed at maintaining a consistent blogging presence. Whether it's out of fear of writing or ADHD I will never know but It is clear to me that for 2025 this is where I want to be.
Let me backtrack a bit. I am currently on a seasonal fallow break from social media.
- Land left unseeded during a growing season.
- The act of plowing land and leaving it unseeded.
- The condition or period of being unseeded.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language
Last year I learned of the term "fallow month" from a podcast by Katja and Ryn at Commonweath Holistic Herbalism. The idea is to take a month and essentially "get out of our brains and into our bodies". To rest from the constant barrage of information being funneled into us on a daily basis and to use our hands to actually do the work.
Before the winter solstice I decided to take a month off social media (which I normally do 2x a year typically around Dec and June) So I deleted Instagram and planned to focus on all the other things that get away from me when social media claims far too much of my time. I am currently still on my seasonal fallow and I am undecided on when it will end. Sometimes it lasts weeks, sometimes months.
If there is one thing I could urge everyone to do in 2025, it would be this.
Take the social media break.
Social media traps us and more often than not depletes us of the things that make us unique. Amazingly in an effort to show off our uniqueness we actually fall deep into the same ol' algorithms as everyone else. I can remember coming back from a previous extended social media fallow - almost 9 months and thinking I was gonna stand out with my little "homesteading" account. Boy was that a brutal awakening. Homesteading had already hit mainstream socials while I was away living life. What felt like me being unique and authentic quickly spiraled into feelings of inadequacy and inauthentic-ness. I felt like everything I did was one step behind everyone else.
What I failed to realize at the time though was that Homesteading is incredibly seasonal. So of course every homesteader online would be talking about the same things at the same time. It wasn't that I was being inauthentic it was just the natural progression of the lifestyle. Even though social media can be a great connector and outlet it can also be incredibly toxic.
A break/fallow is generally what I need to reflect, refocus and get back on track to being my own awesome authentic self... without having that seemingly endless need to constantly check back in for a handful of likes.
Maybe that is why I love this space so much. I share my thoughts and ideas but there is no instant gratification button. There is only wide open space for someone to stumble upon and resonate with - or not. You never really know. Then I carry on with my day and get all the things I want done..well some of them.
I firmly believe taking the break forces us to connect to more than our phones and it opens the gates for more meaningful connections (in the home and to nature) to be made. It is a chance to return to a more natural state of being. One less reliant on technology (fake likes) and more integrated with the world around us.
It's amazing what can be accomplished in a day without constantly checking our phones.
Back to my 2025 blog intentions. My goal is to write here more consistently. Write about and offer the things I feel called to the most. The things I feel the world needs more of. Connection to Nature. Holistic Healing. Herbalism. Ways to actively make a difference in this wild messy world. Permaculture Living. Earth Based Spirituality and Seasonal Living with Intention.
I spent the majority of 2024 connecting to my land. More than any other year in my 12 years of homesteading here, I finally learned to open my eyes and listen with more than my ears. To show my land respect and in return I was blessed with more than I could have even imagined. I truly believe this connection is the missing link to where our society of ignorance has ventured.
Homesteading is part of the equation but it isn't the whole solution. It's more of a gateway drug, one that has the power to lead us back to the human-nature connection that seems so lost. So many homesteaders long for simpler times. I believe this nature based connection is what we are so fiercely longing for.
Marble and Mud is my offering. I hope to offer guidance and connection to my readers on these topics. Stepping stones in bite size portions that are easy to understand and implement in our everyday busy lives. From Ad Free articles to printables and planners. I hope you join in on this movement of like minded nature loving souls looking to slow down, enjoy life, heal the world or at the very least leave it in a better place than what we found it.
Upcoming Posts:
- Herb of the Week/Month Series
- Tarot: Exploring your Card of the Year
- Slow Living with Kids
- Permaculture Basics
- Spring on the Homestead
~ K
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