Tarot: Exploring your Card of the Year

Usually the New Year has us scrambling to make resolutions that we never keep. So instead of setting myself up for failure promising to lose weight or stop an annoying life long habit I decided to place my 2025 yearly focus on my card of the year...

My Card of the Year: The Heirophant - typically represents a barriers between the physical world and the spiritual world and the struggle that one must go through when choosing to follow the crowd or break away from it. This is a huge card for me as I struggle in this department greatly. It also can mean higher learning, growth, traditions and commitment. I look forward to exploring this card more indepth throughout 2025.
What is a Card of the Year?
By adding your birth month, day and the current year, then matching that total to the corresponding Major Arcana cards we can explore and get a better picture of what the current year has in store for us personally and for the collective.
Calculating the Collective Card for 2025
To do this we simply add the digits of the current year and match that to the corresponding Major Arcana card.
2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9 - The Hermit. The Hermit 2025 Card of the Year

With the Hermit card as our 2025 collective card we are invited to embrace a period of introspection, inner wisdom and self discovery. I encourage you to read your own deck, make your own interpretations and journal about this card.
By exploring the collective card it can be incredibly useful for mapping out the year ahead on a larger, societal scale. It can be used in combination with your personal yearly card to gain insights into anything the year ahead might bring.
Calculating your Personal Card for 2025
Next we will figure out your personal card of the year. Take the date of your birth, add the month and day together, and then add the year that you are calculating the card for. Continue adding the digits until the number is below 21 and matches a card of the Major Arcana.
Example: if your birthday is Feb 15th
2 + 15 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5= 26 now there’s no 26th card of the Major Arcana, so continue to reduce the numbers and add 2+6= 8. Note: don't split up your month and day of birth - keep them together as a whole number initially. For example if your birthday was Nov 23 it would be 11+23+2+0+2+5.
The card of the year for this birth date would be 8 which corresponds to Strength.

By exploring our personal yearly tarot card it can help guide us and offer insights into the year ahead (or current in this case). It can help us to focus on any opportunities that might arise or any challenges to be on the lookout for. Finding out and journaling on our yearly card is a great alternative to making new years resolutions we never keep. It can be a great way to connect to yourself or spirit.
Place an image of your card(s) on the fridge or somewhere you will see it often in order to stay grounded and as a reminder to check back in when times get rocky or when you're in need of confirmation.
Please feel free to get in touch if you need help figuring out your card of the year.
Here's to 2025!!!
Note: My tarot practice grows stronger every year and so does my connection to spirit but I in no way consider myself a professional tarot reader. I am learning and growing alongside you!

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